Cedar City Church & the coronavirus

Cedar City Church & the coronavirus

Hey CCC family!

By now, we’ve all read about and heard many church’s stances on the coronavirus (COVID-19)… some churches are either having online services only or not gathering at all. And there are a few (even in Lebanon) that are keeping business as usual with some precautionary measures in place.

There is somewhat of a balance to strike when it comes to how people may view this pandemic. There is one side that might be prone to panic and live in fear. By God’s grace, this will not be CCC. We serve a Sovereign God who commands us to “fear not.” Why? Because “He is with us.” We serve a Risen Savior who is holding all things together. We can surely trust God, walk in faith, and find our peace in Him today and everyday.

On the other side are people who think they are Iron Man and who may be prone to be insensitive, brush this off as nothing, or even cast stones for the decisions some will make in the next few weeks. That will not be CCC either. We are compassionate people who are sent to engage our neighbors with humility and with the gospel. 

CCC will continue to follow Jesus, love others and make disciples during this time of uncertainty. Some things may change for a short period of time, but the mission stays the same. We are a church that has two rhythms: gathering and scattering. We might be doing a little bit more scattering over the next few weeks, but we are still God’s Church and we are still Cedar City Church.

What does all of this mean for CCC?

This Sunday @ Urbancrest

This Sunday we had planned to gather with Urbancrest church to participate in GIC week, however, we have made the decision to NOT gather at Urbancrest. There has been advice given by our governor to not gather with more than 100 people and we believe it is wise to heed this advice. We will, however, provide a prayer guide and/or a worship guide for you this Sunday to use in your home. Check this site on Sunday for the guide.

If you were planning to attend any of the GIC events at Urbancrest, they are still happening, but on a smaller scale. Watch this video from Pastor Tom Pendergrass or visit their website for updates on how this has affected GIC events.

Prayer and Bible Reading

We want to encourage you to take a little down time (if you have it) to catch up on a little sleep, watch a movie, bake, exercise, play board games, and stare out the window! But, more importantly, we want you to take this time to reset your rhythms of Bible Intake and Prayer. This certainly covers the grid of doing this personally, but also includes your children, spouse, and neighbors. Find a place. Find a time. Make a plan. 

Be Lights!

This IS the time to be different. This is the time to watch a child whose parents work. This is the time to purchase groceries for your aging neighbor or your neighbor who is running low on money. This is the time to be on the lookout for ways to serve others in unique ways. Joshua’s Place will be having several food drop-off locations and distribution centers in Lebanon and the surrounding areas. There might even be opportunities for Hand Up to play a major part in food distribution.

One Another!

Make sure to check in on one another during this time. The beauty of the church is that we deeply love one another and are already connected into each other’s lives. This is a great time to call someone you don’t know very well just to check in on them. Spend a few moments on the phone catching up and in prayer. 

Exodus Series

The plan is to continue through Exodus as scheduled. If we gather on Sundays, this will be the plan. If we don’t gather on Sundays, we will be providing resources here on our website and through social media.


For those of you who do not already give online and desire to give, please visit cedarcitychurch.com/give to find our online giving platform. On that page, you’ll also find the address to mail your donation. If you need any assistance with the online giving process, please reach out to us a info@cedarcitychurch.com.


We will post updates at cedarcitychurch.com/coronavirus and on our Facebook or Instagram pages as things develop and plans change.

COVID-19 Resources

We’re Here For You

We will be around to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to reach out to us via email, phone or social media.

Don’t forget… 

We’re a COMMUNITY.  Reach out if you are in need and reach out to simply check in on others.  

We’re formed by the GOSPEL.  Make Jesus central in all you do.

We’re sent on God’s MISSION.  Look out for one another and your neighbors. 

We’ll continue to keep you posted as things develop.