Membership Class | Sunday, November 15, 2020
One of the markers of a healthy church is membership. In scripture, we see people in God’s family functioning underneath the care of a particular pastor/elder or plurality of elders. We believe church membership is vital for multiple reasons including unity, common mission, shared life together, edification, organization, church discipline and more.
Church membership signifies that we are “in this together” and that we are committed to one another.
We will be having our very first Membership Class on Sunday, November 15 from 5pm-7:30pm. Pastor David will be teaching through a packet of content that you can pick up at any Sunday gathering beforehand. If you will not be at a Sunday gathering to pick up a packet, please email Pastor David at and he will send you a digital copy. There will be a question and answer session after the teaching. We will provide dinner and drinks. Also, if you have small children (0-5 years), we will work to provide child care. If you will need childcare that evening, please send an email to Pastor David.
This class is required for those pursuing membership at Cedar City Church. However, if you would like to simply check us out and learn more about us, feel free to join us on November 15 even if you are not pursuing membership.
Mark your calendars today!