Scattered Worship | Sunday, April 5, 2020
We’re no less the church when we’re scattered than we are when we’re gathered. While there’s nothing good in and of disease itself, we want Cedar City Church to embrace the interruptions and inconveniences that come along with the coronavirus as a sacred disruption in our personal discipleship. The Father longs for his people to worship him, not merely in a certain city, on a certain mountaintop, or in a certain building, but everywhere in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). May we demonstrate that in our homes and wherever we can (or can’t!) go over the coming weeks.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
– Hebrews 10:23-25
What you’ll find below is by no means a replacement for the body being together in the flesh. However, we do hope to stir you up to love and good works for one another and your neighbors, that in this season you might be spurred to confess Christ as your hope all the more in the midst of sickness and uncertainty.
The family and the mission go on – through your family and your mission as disciples each day.
Order of Gathering
Intro to Worship
Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:7-12
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Welcome & Prayer
Lord, I Need You
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
Focal Passage: Exodus 10:1-20
Prayer & Invitation to respond with reflective questions
Announcements & Benediction
CCC Kids
Hello families and kids,
The next two Sundays we will be digging into the Story of Easter. This week, you will have the chance to learn about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, and next week will be Jesus Crucifixion and Resurrection. I wish we could be together at Cedar City Church, but I do hope that during this time apart, you and your families are able to utilize the provided content and have special Sundays together, learning about and worshiping the God that saves! This week, there are some additional activities/crafts you might do on Sunday or later in the week. You can also read the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John on different days this week.
Bible Passage
Matthew 21:1-17, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19
If the video is not playing for some reason, try clicking here to watch it.
Main Point
People welcomed Jesus as their King.
Key Passage
Luke 24:5-6 (Luke 24:6 for little kids)
Big Picture Question
Who saves us from our sin? Only Jesus saves us from sin.
Leader Guide
Guide for Families
Read/watch the Bible story (bolded sections for younger children, if reading the guide)
Review questions:
- What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? (A donkey)
- What two items did the crowds spread on the road? (robes, branches; Matt. 21:8)
- What word did the crowds shout? (hosanna, Matt. 21:9)
- What does hosanna mean? (Save now)
- What city did Jesus enter on a donkey? (Jerusalem, Matt. 21:10)
- Where did Jesus go when He was in Jerusalem? (the temple, Matt. 21:12)
- Who praised Jesus at the temple? (children, Matt. 21:15)
- Were the religious teachers happy that people were praising Jesus? (No, they were angry)
- Jesus fulfilled the words of which prophet? (Zechariah, Zech. 9:9)
Discuss Christ connection:
The people were happy to see Jesus. They knew He was their King. Jesus came riding on a donkey, just as the prophet Zechariah said He would (Zechariah 9:9). One day, Jesus will come back, riding on a white horse as King over everything! (Revelation 19:11)
Reflection questions:
- How do you feel when you hear about Jesus?
- How might you react if Jesus was coming to your town?
Low prep craft:
Palm leaves (materials: green construction paper, marker, scissors) – fold green construction paper in half length-wise. Draw an arc spanning the length of the paper to form half a palm leaf shape. Cut the paper into the palm leaf shape, and make small cuts into the edges of the palm leaf creating a fringe.
Talk about it: the Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. That is when we celebrate the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem before He died on the cross for sin. We call it Palm Sunday because the people cut palm branches from trees and laid them on the ground in front of Jesus to praise Him.
Key passage activity:
Write out the key passage with each word (or phrases) on a separate pieces of paper (or you can cut one piece of paper into smaller pieces), and work as a family to put them in the correct order and try memorize the key passage.
Hosanna Praise is Rising – Song Link
Ho Ho Ho Hosanna – Song Link
Praise and honor who God is (prompts: our King, the Savior, worthy of all our praise)
Confess to God where you have sinned against Him
Thank God for who He is and what He has done (prompt: Thank you God for your perfect plan to rescue people from sin and for keeping Your promise to send Jesus as savior.)
Ask God to to help you and others (prompts: help us to follow Jesus and seek Him, help us love our neighbor during this time, heal the sick and hurting)