Our kids should be part of a community that’s formed and sent by the gospel, too! This is where our Kids ministry comes in. On Sunday mornings, we have two classrooms for any and all kids through sixth grade to enjoy growing up in the gospel together. If your kids happen to be older than sixth grade, we’d encourage them to begin connecting with the church alongside adults!
The local church has an important role in the faith-development of kids. But our role is to come alongside parents, not replace them! Because of that, we provide resources and training for parents and guardians to grow in their own confidence and ability to make discipleship happen at home. You can read more below about how we care for kids on Sundays and equip families at home.
Our kids gather downstairs. As soon as you enter the front doors, immediately turn right and go down the stairs. Someone will assist you with checking in your kids and answering any questions you might have.
Classroom Breakdown
Our kids gather together in the following age groups:
- Babies – Kindergarten
- 1st – 6th grade
Our Curriculum

Our younger kids learn from The Jesus Storybook Bible, while our older kids are taught from The Gospel Project curriculum.
The Gospel Project leads our older class throughout the entire story of the bible over the course of three years. Every week our trained teachers will take their class through age-appropriate activities, videos, discussions, and more, kids get to learn about God, his story, and his people from a Christ-centered perspective. We want our kids to know the fullness of God’s story without missing out on the big picture of what God’s up to from beginning to end. The Gospel Project is a great curriculum for that!
You can learn more about the The Gospel Project for Kids by visiting their website.