Scattered Worship | Sunday, March 29, 2020
We’re no less the church when we’re scattered than we are when we’re gathered. While there’s nothing good in and of disease itself, we want Cedar City Church to embrace the interruptions and inconveniences that come along with the coronavirus as a sacred disruption in our personal discipleship. The Father longs for his people to worship him, not merely in a certain city, on a certain mountaintop, or in a certain building, but everywhere in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). May we demonstrate that in our homes and wherever we can (or can’t!) go over the coming weeks.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
– Hebrews 10:23-25
What you’ll find below is by no means a replacement for the body being together in the flesh. However, we do hope to stir you up to love and good works for one another and your neighbors, that in this season you might be spurred to confess Christ as your hope all the more in the midst of sickness and uncertainty.
The family and the mission go on – through your family and your mission as disciples each day.
Order of Gathering
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
Welcome & Prayer
O Come to the Altar
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Focal Passage: Exodus 9:13-35
Prayer & Invitation to respond with reflective questions
Announcements & Benediction
CCC Kids
Hello families!
This week we are looking at The First Judges. I’ve utilized our leader guides to make a hybrid guide that is appropriate for parents/caregivers of big and little kids. There are just a couple notes to simplify the main point and Bible story for little kids, under 5 years old. I hope you enjoy learning and worshiping God together this Sunday. We miss getting to see your families and kids in-person, but in the meantime, we hope that virtual guides will serve your families.
– Lindsay Heinly
The First Judges
Judges 3: 7-31
If the video is not playing for some reason, try clicking here to watch it.
Main Point
God’s people turned from Him to worship idols
(little kids may understand it this way: The Israelites forgot about the one true God.)
Key Passage
Isaiah 33:22
(The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our King. He will save us.)
Big Picture Question
How does God accomplish His plan? God uses people for His glory and our good.
He Will Save Us
Guide for Families
Watch the Bible story video or read the Bible story (pages 3 – 4 in the leader guide)
**Note: if your kids are younger, you can opt to read the bolded lines only.
Here are a handful of questions to discuss together:
- Who did God send to rescue them from their enemies? (The judges)
- What do we need to be rescued from? (Sin and death)
- Whom did God send to rescue us from sin and death? (His Son, Jesus; John 3:16)
- What happened when a judge died? (The Israelites forgot about God)
- Why did the Israelites disobey God? (See Judges 2:10)
- How can your family remember what God has done?
- What from the Bible passage do you want to remember about God?
- How does God accomplish His plan? (God uses people for His glory and our good)
Talk about the Christ connection
Judges saved the people from the consequences of their sin, but not the cause of it. God’s plan was to one day send a true Deliverer—Jesus, His own Son—to be the King of His people. Jesus saves people from sin forever.
Read the key passage Isaiah 33:22 together
Ask the question, “What four things does this verse tell us about God?” (He is our judge, lawgiver, and king. He will save us.). What does it mean that God is our judge? Our lawgiver? Our king? That he will save us?
Listen, sing and dance along to the song, “He Will Save Us”
Pray together. Here are some prayer prompts for ideas.
- Declare that God is our judge, our lawgiver, our king, and He alone will save us.
- Thank God for being a God who rescues and delivers.
- Ask God to use your family in this season for His glory and our good.
- Ask God for his help in any prayer requests for you, your family, neighbors, and the world.